The Lehigh Valley Music Teachers Association has an active scholarship program for students whose teachers are currently members.
The program supports both scholarships for high school seniors who wish to major in music at the college level and students of all ages desiring a summer music camp experience. LVMTA's annual Playathon fundraiser is the only source of funding for these scholarship programs. However, LVMTA welcomes financial support from individuals, local businesses, and corporations.
Frank Chesebro Memorial Scholarship Competition
Foy Hall, Moravian University | Audition is free and open to the public.
Contact: Barbara Thompson: Frank Chesebro Scholarship, 3020 Turner St., Allentown, PA 18104, bttpiano@aol.com, 610-435-9713
Deadline for Application: Monday, April 14, 2025, emailed or hand delivered.
Audition Date: TBA
Statement of Purpose:
The Frank Chesebro Memorial Scholarship for high school seniors is a performance based competition whose primary focus is a live audition.
In addition to the live performance, students’ applications, recommendations, essays, and interviews will be considered by the judges in the decision making process. LVMTA awards this scholarship annually to high school seniors who are planning to major in music. At the time of submitting the Chesebro Scholarship Application, they must have studied and are currently studying with a LVMTA member as their primary teacher in the area of concentration listed on the Application Form for a minimum of six months. Recipients must have received formal acceptance to and have committed to attending an institution of higher learning that is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music or to an institution with similar standards approved by the Frank Chesebro Scholarship Committee.
First Place: $ 2,000
Second Place: $1,500
Third Place: $1,000
In the event of ties, the following procedure will ensue:
In the event of a tie for first place, both first and second place, awards will be combined and split between/among the first place winners. There will be no second place award in this case and the third place award can be split if considered advisable by the judges.
In the event of a tie for second place, both second and third place awards will be combined and split between/ among the second place winners. In this case, no third place award will be given.
In the event of a tie for third place, the third place award will be split between/ among the third place winners. Awarding first and/or second place awards will be at the discretion of the judges. The decision of the judges is final. It is the prerogative of the judges to decide if students are qualified to receive an award.
Scholarships are available to instrumental, vocal, and composition students of LVMTA members with whom the student has studied, and is currently studying at time of Application, for a minimum of six months. The LVMTA member must be their primary teacher in the area of concentration listed on the Application Form .
Auditioning students must have participated in a minimum of five LVMTA/PMTA student activities.
Application Requirements:
A completed application form.
Three letters of recommendation from adults who are well acquainted with the applicant's musical abilities and character. Two of these must be from professional musicians, one of whom must be the primary teacher in the major instrument, voice or composition area in which the student is applying.
Essay: 300 - 500 words (typed). Suggested topics: "How has music enriched my life?"; "A description of my lifetime musical goals."
Repertoire list: On a separate sheet, list repertoire studied in the last three years. If studying more than one instrument, the secondary instrument repertoire may be included.
Audition Requirements:
VOCAL/PIANO: Three memorized pieces of contrasting styles to represent three different musical periods. Single movements are acceptable.
INSTRUMENTAL: Three pieces and an optional fourth as described above. Exception: a minimum of one of the three pieces must be memorized.
COMPOSITION/THEORY: Three scores of an original composition must be submitted with the application. One of these original compositions must be performed live at the Competition. The other two compositions may be performed live or pre-recorded and presented to the judges at the Competition.
Additional Information:
Please provide timings for each piece.
The judges will hear a maximum of 20 minutes of students’ programs.
An optional fourth selection (memory not required) may be included to demonstrate applicant's abilities in an additional area (composition, other instrument, jazz, improvisation, accompanying).
Applicants must provide their own accompanists. The sponsoring teacher may serve as accompanist.
All repertoire performed must be appropriate for all ages and audiences. Lyrics may not include any direct or indirect references to drugs, alcohol, violence, sex, include any foul language, or any other subject / topic the committee deems inappropriate. It is the submitting teacher's responsibility to ensure all music is appropriate
The auditions will be open to the public.
Following the performance(s), each candidate will be interviewed individually.
Awards will be announced at the conclusion of the Competition.
Summer Music Camp Scholarship
​Contact: Irmgard Pursell: Summer Music Camp Scholarships, ispursell@gmail.com, 484-387-7388
Deadline for Application: April 19, 2025
Statement of Purpose:
The Lehigh Valley Music Teachers Association awards annual summer music camp scholarships to students of teachers who are currently members. The benefits of summer music camp experiences include a deeper affinity for music, a broader understanding of the art form, and the comraderie of like minded students in an atmosphere of summer fun.
Awards: LVMTA will provide up to $250.00 of the cost of summer camp on the condition that the music camp has at least 50% of its curriculum dedicated to music education. The decision of the judges is final.
Eligibility: Instrumental and vocal students of LVMTA members are eligible for the camp scholarships.
Application Requirements:
A completed application form
One letter of recommendation from the sponsoring teacher
The applicant must show a strong desire to study music and have participated in events sponsored by LVMTA such as the annual