MusicTeacher Grant
An award of $600 is given annually to one LVMTA music teacher member to help defray the expenses of attendance at the annual MTNA Conference. Any LVMTA member may apply, though primary consideration will be given to first-time attendees. This grant allows one member to experience the educational and musical opportunities that are unique to the MTNA National Conference.
Registration Deadline: December 1, 2024
Submit application to Malāna Wilson malanaw18@gmail.com.
Meet the composers of materials you assign your students.
Discover new materials before released.
Get new ideas for your teaching.
Learn how other teachers across the country handle problems you may experience.
To Qualify:
Be a member in good standing of the LVMTA.
Complete the application form.
Write an essay (200-word minimum) on why you want to attend the National Conference and how it would benefit your teaching.
The Award:
$600.00, which may be used for:
Hotel - (you can save money if you share a room with one or two others)
Airfare – (book early to save money)
Registration costs